Michelle Bergstrom, Accounting Advisor
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Michelle Bergstrom

Michelle serves as Accounting Advisor at Trueblaze where she helps clients record financial transactions and maintain and balance their books. She has loved numbers ever since her high school accounting class. When Michelle takes a break from working with numbers, you'll likely find her outdoors.

Michelle grew up in Northwest Ohio and attended Bowling Green State University. She completed her Master's degree from The Kelley School of Business at IUPUI. She spent most of her career as an accounting manager.  Michelle has spent the last several years enjoying time in Arizona and Florida. Wanting to be close to family recently landed her back home in Northwest Ohio where she currently resides. Like most Trueblazer's, Michelle has worked with Adam previously. Michelle works remotely, however, you may be lucky to see her in town Indy 500 Race weekend, which brings her family back every year.

Michelle's schedule is largely dictated by the activities of her two school aged-kids who play soccer, tennis, and golf. Her family makes a great foursome on the golf course! In fact, the golf course is where Michelle landed her first job as a teenager and also happens to be where she met her husband, now married 21 years. Life is even more exciting in their household with their young dog, Aspen, an English Cream Golden Retriever.

Having lived in Florida, Michelle and her family explored lots of beaches from Marco Island to Port Canaveral to the Florida Keys. Coronado Island near San Diego is another favorite vacation destination.

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