Missing an Estimated Tax Payment - Now What?

Missing an estimated tax payment can result in non-deductible penalties. Make timely payments via IRS Direct Pay or EFTPS—secure and convenient methods to help you avoid the penalties.

Key Points

  • Due dates. For tax year 2025, payments are due April 15, June 16, and September 15, 2025, and January 15, 2026.

  • Avoid penalties. Pay at least 90 percent of your current year’s tax or 100 percent of last year’s tax—or 110 percent if prior-year adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeds $150,000.  Trueblaze assists our clients on identifying which method to use and the amount to pay each period.

  • Exceptions. Uneven income earners can use the annualized income method to align payments with earnings.  Trueblaze applies this when applicable to minimize penalties.

  • Catch-up payments. Catching up when you miss a payment stops the penalty from accruing further but does not achieve forgiveness for the previous penalty assessed.

Many states including Indiana follow similar due dates, but their penalty structure may vary; Indiana, for example, assesses a flat 10 percent penalty on late estimates.

TrueBlaze is here to help. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to TrueBlaze Advisors.

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